You are in Lockdown, now what?

You are in Lockdown, now what?

Let’s be real. 

Being in the service industry nowadays is not easy. One day you have back to back clients + the next you city is in lockdown + you are frantically trying to notify clients. We feel for you beauties + are truly in this with you. 

Here are some tips on what to do if your city is in lock down OR better yet if you would like to have a plan incase it does. The best action plan is the one you already accounted for. Let’s work smart babes. 

1. Don’t freak out. 

Okay this one is the MOST important and also the MOST difficult which is why it is first. If you stop reading after this point we are glad you at least took this away. Your clients will smell your fear. There is fear in every corner of our cities. It isn’t fun. Let’s remember that we offer a luxury service. This also means that you do need to go above and beyond in making your clients comfortable. It is much like how you shop around for the comfiest + coziest blanket for your clients. You are doing the same thing in this situation. Yes, it sucks and honestly it sucks the most for us because we have no idea what will happen. YOU need to be the calm, cool + collected voice for your client. They will respond better than the “OMG WHY THIS AGAIN! THIS MAKES NO SENSE” yada yada. Whatever your position is on this, save it. You got work to do babe. Read on below.

2. Be the first to know.

Many of us want to be far away from any news source because it tends to be negative. We get that! However, in your case it is important to be informed. We personally like to be notified + informed rather than expected to engage in turning on the news. If you live in Canada you can opt in for COVID email updates to keep you on top of any crucial updates

Being one of the first to reach out to your clients shows that you are taking initiative ad staying highly informed. This can make clients feel like their health is your top priority. Our American friends, if you have any tips or tricks on how to stay informed - share them below!

3. Let your clients know you are there for them.
Here is a novel idea. Let them know you unfortunately need to reschedule but if they need a quick phone call just to chat + check in with each other, you are there. Letting your clients know that you are thinking about not just their lashes but their mental health + heart, speaks volumes. Now let’s be clear. This isn’t a 1 hour phone call. This is a 30 min tops check in, a listening ear, a comforting voice. We know those clients who will 100% take advantage of this but you need to reel it in. Protect yourself too. It’s simple, give them 30 mins + wrap it up. Say "I am so glad we were able to connect, I know this is difficult right now. I am sending you positive thoughts as we go through this together. I will reconnect when things open up again and in the meantime check out my social media. I will be posting some some educational videos for people just like you”.


4. Pivot.
Brainstorm a way to still service your clients + make $$$. We found an incredible response from selling our magnetic lashes during the lockdown. You could also purchase a number of EyEnvy Lash serums through us and market them to your clients. This could be includes in your email, text or phone call touch base with your clients to inform them of postponing their appointments. Watch this post to see why you should be selling magnetic lashes. 


5. Educate yoself. 
The people who get ahead are the ones who get ahead when things shut down. Never created a business plan? Now is the time. Perfect a technique or efficiency. Finetune your Instagram. Take an online course. The possibilities are endless. Try your best to chip away at one thing a day, even if that is only 10 minutes a day.

Last and most important, take care of yourself and your well-being. Nothing is more important than that. Your business will always strive when you take care of you first. 

We are thinking of you all and sending lots of love!